In the wake of devastating and largely unforeseen flooding across Southeast Louisiana in 2016, the Tangipahoa Parish Government made a decision for the future safety and prosperity of residents. The Parish Government decided to move toward resilience and sustainability with a focus on stormwater management. As storms increase in frequency and intensity, flood risk increases. As development continues, more runoff is generated by the increase in impervious surfaces, which also exacerbates flooding. Pipes, culverts, retention basins, and other traditional drainage methods are static and cannot adapt to accommodate more stormwater. Therefore, the solution must be dynamic. Green infrastructure facilities mimic natural hydrology in a way that allows us to manage stormwater by coexisting with nature instead of trying to control it.
Rather than wait for “complete” data or the perfect science, this Preliminary Stormwater Management Planning Study was conducted to identify readily achievable goals and objectives for the Parish, while illuminating the path toward a higher-resolution stormwater management plan. As the prime consultant for the project, Dana Brown & Associates (DBA) was tasked with overseeing the collection and analysis of data, identification of potential stormwater management projects, and prioritization of the most readily implementable projects. DBA was also responsible for producing illustrations and a written report that articulates an integrated stormwater management strategy for Parish officials and the general public alike. DBA’s engineering subconsultant assisted in the data collection, analysis, and formulation of calculations to determine flood risk reduction with available data and industry standards. The team collaborated on project prioritization through volumetric precipitation reduction and cost-benefit analyses to help the parish find no-risk projects for the immediate implementation and impact on flood reduction. The selected projects could be tackled across different scales and funding levels, as the Parish is able.
Tangipahoa Parish, LA
Tangipahoa Parish Government